Outstanding Conservationist Award (OC)
Each year, Benton SWCD and NRCS present an award for the Benton County Outstanding Conservationist.
This award is important because it recognizes individuals and organizations for outstanding accomplishments in implementing conservation practices and improving Minnesota's natural resources.
2024 Outstanding Conservationist - Charlie Plumadore
Located in Benton County, Charlie Plumadore and his family have a 120-acre property full of conservation practices. The Plumadore’s have had their farm in the family for 105 years and they received century farm status in 2019. Their first conservation project was in 2008 when they planted 7.72 acres of prairie through CRP that will be re-enrolled this year. Since then, Charlie has worked with the SWCD and NRCS to install several different practices including the installation of shelterbelts, several acres of wetland restorations, prairie restorations, pollinator habitat installations, and the planting of 10,000 additional trees on his property to increase wildlife habitat since 2008. Charlie remains enthusiastic about conservation on his land and got his Ag Water Certification in 2021 with a wildlife habitat endorsement to continue implementing conservation practices on his property.
2023 Outstanding Conservationist - Jason & Michelle Petron
Jason and his family are a prime example of outstanding. They have been implementing practices on their property since 2002 with Benton SWCD and on their own. They are committed to doing their part in protecting our soil and water resources. Jason said when they acquired the property there was only one tree in their backyard, now they have almost 200 trees planted through CRP and says it’s now a birdwatcher’s paradise.
Jason is passionate about his projects and stated, “there is no such thing as a waste of property, all my land is either enhanced for wildlife or in other programs”. His family loves sitting on their porch watching the deer and other wildlife utilize their pond and shelterbelts. Not only does Jason have projects that enhance the wildlife, he also stores their chicken manure properly in a 170’x60 stacking slab that was built through EQIP funding. He knows how important it is to keep manure off the ground and from leaching into the soil.
From listening to Jason talk about their projects, anyone can tell they are passionate and proud of the work that has been done. Benton SWCD has enjoyed working with them throughout the years and are proud to call them our outstanding conservationists. Thank you Petron Family!
2022 Outstanding Conservationist - Mark & Shelley Czech
In December, Mark and Shelley Czech were honored as outstanding conservationists at the annual meeting of the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD). They were selected by the Benton Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) for the award.
““We’re really proud of Mark and Shelley Czech and what they have done for conservation in Benton County,” said Hoheisel. “The Czech’s provide a wonderful example for conservationists by hosting various field days and tour stops over the years for the NRCS and SWCD.””
2021 Benton County Outstanding Conservationist- Rice Area Sportsmen’s Club
Rice Area Sportsmen's Club was recognized at the annual Minnesota Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD) convention this week for being awarded Benton SWCD’s 2021 Outstanding Conservationist.
Below are some of the conservation activities the Club has done;
They re-enrolled 145.76 acres in CRP in 2020 and established a 13.1 acres of pollinator habitat planted in 2021. They are financial sponsors of the Little Rock Lake/Mississippi River Drawdown project of 2019, Farm Bill Assistance Program, and Soil and Water Stewardship Week. They also donated 2 tree planters and a plot master to Benton SWCD. Plus many more previous years of conservation work and community involvement!
2020 Benton Outstanding Conservationist -
2019 Benton Outstanding Conservationist -
Ryan and Jennifer Burggraff
The Burggraffs, from Royalton, MN, operate a beef herd of 27 cow/calf pairs, two chicken barns, 18 acres of hay, and about 85 acres of row crops on owned and rented land. Some of the practices they have implemented over the years include: Planting 2 CCRP field windbreaks, an animal mortality facility & roofed-manure stacking slab for their chicken barns, feedlot improvements & a manure stacking slab for their beef cattle, cover crops, & have been herbicide and pesticide free for over 25 years.
These BMPs and more have provided numerous benefits for their farm, wildlife, and soil & water quality.
Past OC Winners
2018 - Melvin and Marianne Hauck (St. George Township)
2017 - Leonard and Jackie Popp (Graham Township)
2016 - Rick and Marlene Schlichting (Watab and Langola Township) - State Winners too!!
2015 - Ed, Kathy, and Eddy Popp (Langola Township)
2014 - Mark & Pam Skroch (Langola Township)
2013 - Jon Hansmeier (Glendorado Township)
2012 - Roy & Cindy Schneider & Family (Glendorado Township)
2011 - Guy Spence and Maureen Graber (Watab Township)
2010 - Lonnie Greener (Maywood Township)
2009 - Brian & Glen Kaschmitter (Mayhew Lake Township)
2002 - Chuck & Debbie Kaproth (St. George Township)
2001 - Rick & Donna Lovitz (Minden Township)
2000 - Larry & Esther Hackett (Graham Township)