Benton SWCD Logo

Benton Soil and Water Conservation District

Contact us:

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 7-4:30

Friday — 7:00am-12:00pm or by appointment only afternoon

14 2nd Ave W Foley, MN 56329

(320)-968-5300 ext. 3

New hours photo

Our Mission: To protect and enhance Benton County’s soil, water, and other natural resources; to nurture a conservation ethic by educating the county residents on conservation and environmental issues.

Nitrate Well Testing Clinic

Nitrate well testing clinic
Nitrate well testing clinic

Tree Sale Order Pickup

Tree pickup dates
Tree pickup location

Pickup Location: 430 Broadway Ave S, Foley, MN 56329

Minnesota Irrigation Program Training

April 2, 9 & 16

8:30am - 3:30pm

Cost: $75 includes breakfast and lunch

Sherburne History Center in Becker, MN

3-Day Program



What does Benton County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) do?

Our niche is to provide soil and water conservation services to private land owners in Benton County. Managing these private lands, whether agricultural, forest, lakes, or urban, is key to Minnesota's quality of life.

We also partner with other local government units such as cities, neighboring SWCD’s, watershed districts, DNR, and more, to work on other land and water resource projects.

We provide needed technical guidance, funding and educational services to landowners, we’re governed by local leaders, and focused on conservation of local soil and water resources.


Programs Available for You

There are numerous programs available to assist you with financial and technical help, whether it’s an agricultural field practice or a residential stormwater project. Contact us to learn more about these programs and how they can help you.


Wetlands or public waterways on your property?

If you have wetlands on your property, you are subject to the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA), before conducting any type of work on these areas please contact us to get assistance with the rules and regulations of WCA.

If you have public waterways on your property such as streams, ditches, lakes, and rivers; you are subject to the Minnesota Buffer Law. Contact us for assistance with rules and regulations of MN Buffer Law.